The decline of masculinity in modern age

What is masculinity?

We are glad you asked this question. Masculinity is a set of characteristics  or qualities that defines a man in his prime nature.
Now the qualities have changed as the technology has made everything easier and there is no longer need for men to hunt animals and craft weapons for survival. 

Where did all the good men go?

So where did really the good men disappear? We constantly see women asking this question. Where did all the good men go? Did they die in wars? Or were they killed simply because they were good at being men? And why today, men are not masculine. 
The answer is simple, there is no root cause of this. Technology has made men get everything they want effortlessly. There is no need for men to be strong as they were in past. Some men today are fatherless men and they lack a role model to look up to. Some men are too busy in virtual reality, porn and lack a general life purpose. They lack the skills that a man must have today in order to be more masculine.

Lack of masculinity in modern age men

Studies are done many times and shown that,

1-) Men are most likely to go into depression and commit suicide then women.
2-) More and more men are getting obese and the worst part is, they like to stay that way.
3-) Men are more likely to die from heart diseases and cancer then women.
4-) Testosterone is at large decline in most men making them less masculine.
and there are many more studies like these.

BBC has done research on suicide rates and it proves my point.


Masculinity is in a huge crisis right now. Men have become weak ultimately and there are many reasons. So, what is the solution? Can we bring the good men? The ones who were strong, who faught with all their hearts for freedom and got what they wanted? The answer is YES. We will discuss how to bring masculinity back in our next article.

Hard times create strong men
Strong men create good times
Good times create weak men
Weak men create hard times


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