The Perfect All Round SMG For Newbies/Pros - Modern Warfare

Warzone | MP5 - SMG Stats | Call of Duty Modern Warfare

It's been 7 months since Call of Duty: Modern Warfare release. It is one of the most beautifully designed game in COD history ever.

In this article, I'll be sharing my personal point of view with you guys which could be helpful to you. Some of you might already know about it but lately I realised there are still new players joining the COD: MW so, why not help them specifically to know how to mould.

MP5 is the all round perfect sub-machine gun for the newbies.


It's very accurate even without any attachment. It has great mobility and recoil control and the fire rate is terrific. Can kill an enemy using 3 hits shot above the waist region.

MP5 Stats

Once, you've mastered using this lethal weapon and unlock all the attachments. All you need to do is follow these steps:-

Viper Class

Now, this is my personal class which I use.

You'll need:


  • Barrel: Subsonic Integral Suppressor 
  • Stock: FTAC Collapsible 
  • Underbarrel: Ranger Foregrip 
  • Ammunition: 10mm Auto 30-round Magazine 
  • Gun Perk: Sleight of Hand 


  • Perk I: Double Time
  • Perk II: Ghost
  • Perk III: Scavenger  


  • Lethal: Frag Grenade
  • Tactical: Stim   


You must be wondering what these attachments will do? I'll explain every attachment. It's pros and cons.

  • Let's begin with the Barrel itself. It helps you with faster aim down sight which will eventually help you in shooting down enemies at a much quicker pace, also you'll get sound suppression benefit, your fire shots wont be heard by enemies. The only con is the bullet velocity.
  • Next on the list is Stock. It also helps you in aiming down sights also movement speed meaning you can aim down and walk around at a decent pace. Cons are aiming stability and recoil control.
  • Moving on to the next is Under barrel. You get back the lost aiming stability and recoil control with this attachment however you'll have to sacrifice a bit of aiming down sights and movement speed.
  • Its no brainer that 10mm > 9mm Ammunition. You'll get damage, range and accuracy with 10mm ammunition however the only downside is the fire rate and aiming recoil control.
  • Last but certainly not least, you'll be reloading your gun at a much faster rate in extreme pressure which in my opinion is a plus point, also it helps with the fire rate.  


I found these attachments quit helpful if your style is run n gun. This will help in Domination, TDM and FFA. MP5 is a monster at close-medium range. But with this class, you'll have range + quickness and that's all required.

Shout out in the comments section if you find this informative. Don't forget to share this article with your friends who play MW cause sharing is caring. That's it for me today, see you next time! 


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